Spit Take! 9 Gaylord Perry Moments You’ll Need To Read Twice To Believe

Michael Schatz

Michael Schatz


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Last Updated: May 16th, 2024 by Michael Schatz

With a career spanning over two decades, Gaylord Perry’s contributions to the game are nothing short of extraordinary.

From his first Major League win to his 300th – and a little controversy sprinkled in between – Perry’s illustrious career is filled with amazing accomplishments and jaw-dropping moments.

Making an Impact Early

Gaylord Perry made his Major League Baseball debut on April 14, 1962, at the age of 23, and didn’t wait long to impress on the mound either. In just his third game, Perry threw a complete game against the Pirates, allowing just 4 hits and a single run. He went 3-1 in the games he started that season, the first in his 22-year career.

Historic No-Hitter in 1968

On September 17, 1968, Gaylord Perry made history by throwing the first no-hitter for the Giants’ San Francisco era. He struck out 9 and walked 2 in the Giants’ 1-0 win against the Cardinals. The man he defeated that day was none other than Bob Gibson.

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Cy Young Award Wins in Both Leagues

Gaylord Perry’s first Cy Young win was in 1972 during his tenure with the Cleveland Indians. He went 24-16 with a sparkling 1.92 ERA and a stunning 29 complete games.

He then crossed over to the National League, joining the San Diego Padres in 1978, which is when he nabbed his second Cy Young. That year he went 21-6 with a 2.73 ERA. His Cy Young in San Diego made him the first pitcher in MLB history to win the prestigious award in both the American and National leagues.

Joining The 300 Win Club

While pitching for the Seattle Mariners, Gaylord Perry picked up his 300th win on May 6, 1982, against the New York Yankees. And he did it in classic Gaylord Perry style, tossing a complete game in the M’s 7-3 win. This win made Perry the 24th pitcher to win 300 games.

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Entry Into Another Club: The 3,000 Strikeouts Club

On October 1, 1978, in the final game of the season, Perry struck out the Dodgers’ Joe Simpson for his 3,000th career strikeout. What makes this even more remarkable is that Perry threw 10 innings that game, striking out 10 and giving up only 2 earned runs. The Padres would go on to win the game in the eleventh, capping off Perry’s historic day with a victory.

Notorious for the Spitball Controversy

Gaylord Perry’s skilled pitching repertoire wouldn’t be complete without mentioning his notorious spitball. Although it’s been illegal in Major League Baseball since 1920, Perry earned a reputation for using the banished pitch, often keeping opponents and umpires guessing.

Accusations of his illicit spitball use were an ongoing part of Perry’s career, yet he managed to avoid official punishment from the league for years. Finally, in a game on August 23, 1982, while pitching for the Seattle Mariners, Perry got caught. The umpire claimed he doctored the ball and tossed him out of the game. The spitball controversy, infamous as it may be, stands as a testament to Perry’s ingenious and versatile pitching array.

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Last Pitcher to Throw 300 Complete Games

Among Perry’s many accomplishments is the fact that he was the last pitcher to throw 300 complete games. This remarkable feat is yet another testament to Perry’s stamina, skill, and sheer dominion over the mound. When his career was over, Perry had collected 303 complete games, good for 39th on the all-time list.

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Baseball Hall of Fame Induction in 1991

Although it took him until his third time on the ballot, Gaylord Perry was finally inducted into baseball’s Hall of Fame in 1991. He finished with 314 wins, a 3.11 ERA, 3,534 strikeouts, 2 Cy Young Awards and 5 All-Star Games.

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#36 Retired

In 2008, the San Francisco Giants paid tribute to Perry by retiring his number 36 jersey. By honoring his number, the Giants symbolized Perry’s impact on the field – his stride, grit, and unwavering love for baseball.