“He could hit a coin in the air” – How Were These Roberto Clemente Throws Humanly Possible?

Jake Cain

Jake Cain

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Last Updated: February 9th, 2024 by Jake Cain

Roberto Clemente’s Career Overview

Roberto Clemente was a professional baseball player who played as a right fielder for the Pittsburgh Pirates during his entire 18-season career in Major League Baseball (MLB). Known for his exceptional throwing arm, Clemente was not only a vital defensive asset but also a powerhouse at bat, winning multiple batting titles. Equal parts grace and power, he earned 12 Gold Glove Awards, a testament to his defensive prowess.

Debuting in the MLB in 1955, Clemente quickly established himself with a dramatic style of play, displaying acrobatic catches and fearless base running. His defensive skills were highlighted by his ability to throw out base runners with precision, earning him the reputation as having one of the strongest and most accurate arms in baseball history.

Clemente’s career was tragically cut short when he passed away in a plane crash on December 31, 1972, while en route to deliver aid to earthquake victims in Nicaragua. His legacy includes not only his remarkable athletic achievements but also his humanitarian efforts and role as a trailblazer for Latin American players in the MLB. Following his death, the National Baseball Hall of Fame waived its typical five-year waiting period, and Clemente was posthumously inducted in 1973, further solidifying his status as a baseball legend. His life and career continue to inspire both on and off the field.

Clemente’s Amazing Arm

Roberto Clemente’s reputation as a right fielder with an exceptional arm is well-documented in baseball history. His precision and power in throwing were such that base runners would often think twice before taking an extra base on a hit to right field. Clemente’s agility and fast reflexes allowed him to make strong, accurate throws, even from the furthest reaches of the field.

Opposing teams respected Clemente for his gun-like arm. His throws became a formidable defensive weapon that contributed significantly to the Pittsburgh Pirates’ strategy. The force behind each throw was matched by its accuracy; Clemente led the National League in assists as a right fielder five times during his career.

Hall of Fame broadcaster Vin Scully once remarked on Clemente’s throw, “He could throw a ball from right field to third base on a fly—something I’ve never seen anyone else do.” These throws weren’t just powerful; they often resulted in game-changing outs. His arm strength was of such magnitude that it was said he could “hit a coin in the air” from 300 feet away.

Clemente’s legacy includes the memory of his arm, a testament to his skill and dedication to the sport. His arm strength, fostered through a rigorous training regimen, was unparalleled, leaving an indelible mark on baseball and earning him a place among the most revered outfielders of all time.